Epic Games Store Gives Away Control as Eighth Free Mystery Game This Holiday Season

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Epic Games Store revealed Control as its eighth free mystery game. The game will be available for free download until December 26, 10:00 AM CST. This announcement is part of Epic’s special holiday giveaway event that happens every December.

About Control and Its Availability

Control is not a new addition to Epic’s free games list. The game first came out in 2019. Remedy Entertainment created this award-winning game. It’s a third-person shooter that many players love. The game helps connect different games in the Remedy universe. When it first came out, many people said it was one of Remedy’s best games ever.

Some regular Epic Store users might already have Control. This is because Epic gave it away for free back in 2021. But this is good news for new users. It’s also great for people who missed the chance to get it last time. Players only have a short time to claim the game. After December 26 at 10:00 AM CST, it will no longer be free. There seems to be some confusion about the exact time. The Epic Games Store launcher shows 11:00 AM CST. But based on the countdown timer for the next free game, this appears to be wrong.

Complete List of Free Mystery Games So Far

Epic Games Store Gives Away Control
Epic Games Store Gives Away Control

The holiday giveaway started on December 12. Here are all the free games that Epic has given away so far:

  • The Lord of the Rings Return to Moria (December 12 – December 19)
  • Vampire Survivors (December 19)
  • Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles (December 20)
  • TerraTech (December 21)
  • Wizard of Legend (December 22)
  • Dark and Darker – Legendary Status (December 23)
  • Dredge (December 24)
  • Control (December 25)
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There are still many more games to come. Epic will continue giving away free games until January 9, 2024. Here are the upcoming dates for mystery games:

  • December 26 (Next free game)
  • December 27
  • December 28
  • December 29
  • December 30
  • December 31
  • January 1
  • January 2 to January 9 (Final free game)

Strong Year for Epic Free Game Program

This year’s free mystery game event is doing very well. Most of the free games have been highly rated by players and critics. Control fits perfectly with this trend. It has both good reviews from critics and high ratings from players.

Epic Games Store Gives Away Control
Epic Games Store Gives Away Control

The games before Control were also very good. For example, Dredge, the game that came just before Control, is a special fishing horror game that many people like. The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria started the event strongly. Then came popular games like Vampire Survivors and TerraTech.

Epic Games Store users are excited to see what comes next. There are still several mystery games left to be revealed. Based on the quality of games given away so far, players can expect more good games in the coming days.

The holiday giveaway has become a tradition for Epic Games Store. It helps them attract new users and keep current users happy. While some games might be repeat offerings, like Control, they still provide great value. New users get amazing games for free. The mix of old favorites and new games keeps the event interesting for everyone.

Players who want to get Control should act quickly. They need to log into their Epic Games Store account and claim the game before the next free game takes its place. After that, Control will return to its regular price.

Hi ,Myself anoop im done my post graduation and currently Im working with paper industry. I'm writing article since two years ,I have sound knowledge in field of gadgets like mobile phones , Headphones , laptop and other stuffs related to gadgets and gaming.

24 thoughts on “Epic Games Store Gives Away Control as Eighth Free Mystery Game This Holiday Season”

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